Promethues Service Discover 服务发现部分源码解析

02 Sep 2018

什么是 Service Discovery

Service Discovery(SD) 是当前分布式系统的一个重要组成部分。具体可参见

Prometheus SD目前支持的平台

  1. azure
  2. zookeeper
  3. consul
  4. dns
  5. ec2
  6. file
  7. gce
  8. kubernetes
  9. marathon
  10. openstack
  11. triton

本文会选取其中的file, dns以及kubernetes这四种种典型的类型作为例子讲解相关源码。

Common 逻辑

不论哪种平台,服务发现的逻辑都是类似的, 在prometheus中,首先定义了一个公共逻辑部分,我们在此称为Common逻辑。

首先,定义了Target Group这个数据结构,target group是一组common的label集合。各大平台会以targeting group的形式 发送信息给prometheus。

// Group is a set of targets with a common label set(production , test, staging etc.).
type Group struct {
	// Targets is a list of targets identified by a label set. Each target is
	// uniquely identifiable in the group by its address label.
	Targets []model.LabelSet
	// Labels is a set of labels that is common across all targets in the group.
	Labels model.LabelSet

	// Source is an identifier that describes a group of targets.
	Source string

当服务发现(如zookeeper)系统当中的相关信息发生变化后,会发送相关信息给prometheus,对应的prometheus必须实现下面的run接口,之后相关的信息就会发送到 up chan<- []*config.TargetGroup这个channel了,最后prometheus service就会更新相关的配置。第一次服务发现系统需要发送全部的TargetGroup到这个channel,之后就可以仅仅发送增量部分的change了。 prometheus的服务发现的Manager组件会处理全量和增量这两种情况。

type Discoverer interface {
  Run(ctx context.Context, up chan<- []*config.TargetGroup)


    Targets: []model.LabelSet{
          "__instance__": "",
          "hostname": "demo-target-1",
          "test": "simple-test",
          "__instance__": "",
          "hostname": "demo-target-2",
          "test": "simple-test",
    Labels: map[LabelName][LabelValue] {
      "job": "mysql",
    "Source": "file1",
    Targets: []model.LabelSet{
          "__instance__": "",
          "hostname": "demo-postgres-1",
          "test": "simple-test",
          "__instance__": "",
          "hostname": "demo-postgres-2",
          "test": "simple-test",
    Labels: map[LabelName][LabelValue] {
      "job": "postgres",
    "Source": "file2",


在上里面的例子中, 两个group军事在第一次run的时候发送到prometheus的。对于更新信息来讲, 我们需要发送所有的改变到prometheus。 如果``hostname: demo-postgres-2`这台机器挂掉了,我们应该送一下信息给prometheus。

  Targets: []model.LabelSet{
        "__instance__": "",
        "hostname": "demo-postgres-1",
        "test": "simple-test",
  Labels: map[LabelName][LabelValue] {
    "job": "postgres",
  "Source": "file2",

如果所有的group都挂掉了, 我们应该发送空的Targets给prometheus。比如 job: postgres的所有targets都挂掉了, 我们应该发送

  Targets: nil,
  "Source": "file2",

prometheus discover的核心数据结构就是target group,其他都是围绕target group展开的。

西面我们讲讲prometheus中的discover manager。 Manager维护了一系列与服务发现系统的连接,这些服务发现系统发送的所有更新都会发送到syncCh这个chan上。注意syncCh是一个map,map的key是在scrape config中定义的job name. value则是target group数组。具体scrap config 请参见scrape config. Manager struct 中targets负责存放target信息。 poolKey中setName对应配置文件的job name,provider是provider的类型(如dns, kubernetes等) + 在当前job里面的index组成。这样通过poolkey以及source就可以快速找到对应target group 数组。

// Manager maintains a set of discovery providers and sends each update to a map channel.
// Targets are grouped by the target set name.
type Manager struct {
	logger         log.Logger
	mtx            sync.RWMutex
	ctx            context.Context
	discoverCancel []context.CancelFunc
	// Some Discoverers(eg. k8s) send only the updates for a given target group
	// so we use map[tg.Source]*targetgroup.Group to know which group to update.
	targets map[poolKey]map[string]*targetgroup.Group
	// The sync channels sends the updates in map[targetSetName] where targetSetName is the job value from the scrape config.
	syncCh chan map[string][]*targetgroup.Group

type poolKey struct {
	setName  string
	provider string

至此,我们就可以通过Manager struct里面的信息拿到所有的信息了,可是这些信息又是如何被prometheus的其他组件使用的呢? 在这里我们以scrape组件为例讲解。 从名字就可以看出scrape的主要用来抓取prometheus相关的数据的。 抓取数据第一步肯定要首先知道抓取哪些机器的数据。 这就需要SD提供相应的信息了。 在/prometheus/cmd/prometheus/main.go我们可以看到启动scrape manager的时候需要把discover manager的syncCh channel作为参数出到scrape manager里面去,也就是吧SD中的信息传递给scrape manager。

		// Scrape manager.
			func() error {
				// When the scrape manager receives a new targets list
				// it needs to read a valid config for each job.
				// It depends on the config being in sync with the discovery manager so
				// we wait until the config is fully loaded.

				err := scrapeManager.Run(discoveryManagerScrape.SyncCh())
				level.Info(logger).Log("msg", "Scrape manager stopped")
				return err
			func(err error) {
				// Scrape manager needs to be stopped before closing the local TSDB
				// so that it doesn't try to write samples to a closed storage.
				level.Info(logger).Log("msg", "Stopping scrape manager...")

scrape manager会监控syncCh channel 的数据变动,一旦channel有新message传入, scrape就会reload 变动的target group。

// Run starts background processing to handle target updates and reload the scraping loops.
func (m *Manager) Run(tsets <-chan map[string][]*targetgroup.Group) error {
	for {
		select {
		case ts := <-tsets:
		case <-m.graceShut:
			return nil

那么,prometheus配置文件中SD相关的配置改动的时候,SD会做什么呢? 比如新加一个job,如果这个job的target group信息的机器是由服务发现系统提供的, 我们可以简单思考一下,肯定是prometheus需要reload配置文件,然后配置文件中的SD相关的信息会传递给discover manager, 然后discover manager会和目标服务发现系统进行通信以获取SD信息。 我们看一下源码。在/prometheus/cmd/prometheus/main.go中, reload handler部分, 当通过命令行或者web界面产生reload配置文件命令的时候,prometheus会调用reloadConfig函数进行reload config操作,

		// Reload handler.

		// Make sure that sighup handler is registered with a redirect to the channel before the potentially
		// long and synchronous tsdb init.
		hup := make(chan os.Signal)
		signal.Notify(hup, syscall.SIGHUP)
		cancel := make(chan struct{})
			func() error {

				for {
					select {
					case <-hup:
						if err := reloadConfig(cfg.configFile, logger, reloaders...); err != nil {
							level.Error(logger).Log("msg", "Error reloading config", "err", err)
					case rc := <-webHandler.Reload():
						if err := reloadConfig(cfg.configFile, logger, reloaders...); err != nil {
							level.Error(logger).Log("msg", "Error reloading config", "err", err)
							rc <- err
						} else {
							rc <- nil
					case <-cancel:
						return nil

			func(err error) {
				// Wait for any in-progress reloads to complete to avoid
				// reloading things after they have been shutdown.
				cancel <- struct{}{}

reloadConfig 函数会依次调用reloader数组里面的函数。 reloader数组里面的其中一个函数就是discoveryManagerScrape.ApplyConfig(c)

func reloadConfig(filename string, logger log.Logger, rls ...func(*config.Config) error) (err error) {
	level.Info(logger).Log("msg", "Loading configuration file", "filename", filename)

	defer func() {
		if err == nil {
		} else {

	conf, err := config.LoadFile(filename)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("couldn't load configuration (--config.file=%q): %v", filename, err)

	failed := false
	for _, rl := range rls {
		if err := rl(conf); err != nil {
			level.Error(logger).Log("msg", "Failed to apply configuration", "err", err)
			failed = true
	if failed {
		return fmt.Errorf("one or more errors occurred while applying the new configuration (--config.file=%q)", filename)
	level.Info(logger).Log("msg", "Completed loading of configuration file", "filename", filename)
	return nil
	reloaders := []func(cfg *config.Config) error{
		func(cfg *config.Config) error {
			c := make(map[string]sd_config.ServiceDiscoveryConfig)
			for _, v := range cfg.ScrapeConfigs {
				c[v.JobName] = v.ServiceDiscoveryConfig
			return discoveryManagerScrape.ApplyConfig(c)



file是一种最简单最原始的服务发现形式。具体来说,就是把target 信息存储到yaml或者json文件中,然后把这个文件路径配置到prometheus 的配置文件中。当这个yaml或者json文件内容有改变的时候,prometheus 会通过watch file的形式感知到target内容的变动。 所以当前在prometheus没有对某些小众的服务发现系统进行集成的情况下, prometheus建议以file这种形式和这些小众的服务发现系统进行集成。

prometheus 会使用fsnotify监控在prometheus配置文件中定义的所有的文件。

// Discovery provides service discovery functionality based
// on files that contain target groups in JSON or YAML format. Refreshing
// happens using file watches and periodic refreshes.
type Discovery struct {
	paths      []string
	watcher    *fsnotify.Watcher
	interval   time.Duration
	timestamps map[string]float64
	lock       sync.RWMutex

	// lastRefresh stores which files were found during the last refresh
	// and how many target groups they contained.
	// This is used to detect deleted target groups.
	lastRefresh map[string]int
	logger      log.Logger

当discover manager调用file.go中的Run方法时, 如果被监控的文件有任何的改动,就会重新读取这些文件,然后生成target group传递给syncCh Channel。

// Run implements the Discoverer interface.
func (d *Discovery) Run(ctx context.Context, ch chan<- []*targetgroup.Group) {
	watcher, err := fsnotify.NewWatcher()
	if err != nil {
		level.Error(d.logger).Log("msg", "Error adding file watcher", "err", err)
	d.watcher = watcher
	defer d.stop()

	d.refresh(ctx, ch)

	ticker := time.NewTicker(d.interval)
	defer ticker.Stop()

	for {
		select {
		case <-ctx.Done():

		case event := <-d.watcher.Events:
			// fsnotify sometimes sends a bunch of events without name or operation.
			// It's unclear what they are and why they are sent - filter them out.
			if len(event.Name) == 0 {
			// Everything but a chmod requires rereading.
			if event.Op^fsnotify.Chmod == 0 {
			// Changes to a file can spawn various sequences of events with
			// different combinations of operations. For all practical purposes
			// this is inaccurate.
			// The most reliable solution is to reload everything if anything happens.
			d.refresh(ctx, ch)

		case <-ticker.C:
			// Setting a new watch after an update might fail. Make sure we don't lose
			// those files forever.
			d.refresh(ctx, ch)

		case err := <-d.watcher.Errors:
			if err != nil {
				level.Error(d.logger).Log("msg", "Error watching file", "err", err)


DNS 是互联网中最早的SD系统,通过DNS可以根据域名获取对应的服务IP地址。 prometheus使用第三方库来访问DNS服务器。这个库使用方法可以参见 。目前prometheus支持DNS A, AAAA, SRV 三中类型。我们以baidu.com为例,使用nslookup命令可见,baidu.com对应有两个IP,分别对应电信和联通的网络。

> nslookup

Non-authoritative answer:

在prometheus中, prometheus会根据配置的interval来定期访问DNS系统,获取最新的域名ip对应信息。prometheus会启动多个goroutine来并行访问DNS服务器, 每个goroutine完成一个域名的解析。 如果/etc/resolv.conf中配置了多个DNS服务器,则会根据DNS的前后顺序依次访问DNS, 直至找到DNS记录或者返回“DNS resolution failed”信息。最后prometheus会根据DNS得到的结果组织成[]*targetgroup.Group,发送给syncCh channel。

func (d *Discovery) refreshAll(ctx context.Context, ch chan<- []*targetgroup.Group) {
	var wg sync.WaitGroup

	for _, name := range d.names {
		go func(n string) {
			if err := d.refresh(ctx, n, ch); err != nil {
				level.Error(d.logger).Log("msg", "Error refreshing DNS targets", "err", err)



Kubernetes部分服务发现主要依赖于这个Kubernetes的client包,而且主要使用了SharedInformer机制。 下面是对SharedInformer的解释。

SharedInformer has a shared data cache and is capable of distributing notifications for changes to the cache to multiple listeners who registered via AddEventHandler. If you use this, there is one behavior change compared to a standard Informer. When you receive a notification, the cache will be AT LEAST as fresh as the notification, but it MAY be more fresh. You should NOT depend on the contents of the cache exactly matching the notification you’ve received in handler functions. If there was a create, followed by a delete, the cache may NOT have your item. This has advantages over the broadcaster since it allows us to share a common cache across many controllers. Extending the broadcaster would have required us keep duplicate caches for each watch.

SharedInformer 实际上是一个分布式的k8s内容共享的机制。 可以通过接口来注册list和watch函数,通过list来获取全量信息,通过watch来监控满足条件的信心的变化。 一旦信息有变,就可以通过Add/Delete/Update接口来实现进行相应的处理。举例来说,我们知道Kubernetes的节点可能随时都会由于停电,网络等因素断掉,断掉后,这个节点就需要通过服务发现机制及时的通知prometheus, 否则prometheus仍然会去到这个访问不到的节点pull监控信息。这个时候我们就可以通过SharedInformer来注册list和watch函数, 一旦node信息有变,就会触发NewNode函数中注册的Add/Delete/Update函数。第一次启动时,通过list函数获取到的信息也会通过Add函数来告知prometheus服务发现组件。

		nlw := &cache.ListWatch{
			ListFunc: func(options metav1.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
				return d.client.CoreV1().Nodes().List(options)
			WatchFunc: func(options metav1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
				return d.client.CoreV1().Nodes().Watch(options)
		node := NewNode(
			log.With(d.logger, "role", "node"),
			cache.NewSharedInformer(nlw, &apiv1.Node{}, resyncPeriod),
		d.discoverers = append(d.discoverers, node)
		go node.informer.Run(ctx.Done())
// NewNode returns a new node discovery.
func NewNode(l log.Logger, inf cache.SharedInformer) *Node {
	if l == nil {
		l = log.NewNopLogger()
	n := &Node{logger: l, informer: inf, store: inf.GetStore(), queue: workqueue.NewNamed("node")}
		AddFunc: func(o interface{}) {
			eventCount.WithLabelValues("node", "add").Inc()
		DeleteFunc: func(o interface{}) {
			eventCount.WithLabelValues("node", "delete").Inc()
		UpdateFunc: func(_, o interface{}) {
			eventCount.WithLabelValues("node", "update").Inc()
	return n

在这里需要提一下SharedInformer里面的queue和store对象,我们可以通过queue来减轻kubernetes的压力。 我们知道可能会有很多的外围服务(如prometheus)监控kubernetes的各种entity(如node)的状态。一旦entity的状态变化,就需要及时的通知这些外围服务。如果外围服务处理这些状态变化都很慢的话,势必会影响kubernetes的总体性能。通过entity,通过把message放到queue里面,我们就可以减少对kubernetes的影响,达到高性能的目的。另外,当我们从queue里面取消息的时候,我们的外围服务可能需要知道整个kubernetes在这个消息产生时的状态,我们就是通过store来获得消息产生时的kubernetes的entity状态信息的。

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